Board of Directors

"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others." —Jack W. 


Moira Payne

Vice President

Louis Pezet


Kelley Emerson


AQuil Dennison

Lindsay Moss

Helen Griffus

Jack Mercer

Meg Raphoon

Barb Stenger


President Moira Payne

Moira has been active in the community for quite some time. As a previous programming lead for 10 years at Michigan Pagan Festival, coordinator of the Witches’ Night Out in Ann Arbor, and a Priestess of the Temple of Witchcraft, she brings an abundance of experience to her position on the MEC Board.  She has both a love for the community and a passion for bringing people together to learn. She lives in Ann Arbor with her grumble of Pugs, clowder of cats, and 3 generations of kinfolk.

Feel free to contact Moira at

Vice President Louis Pezet

Louis Pezet started attending Convocation in 2013 and joined staff soon after. He has held several staff positions including security, hospitality, and most recently operations. In 2021 he joined the MEC board in an attempt to further contribute to the community. While he’s not a follower of any particular path, he is open to learning about different beliefs in an attempt to find the right fit. Until that happens, he continues to do what he does best, supporting those around him and being a rock to lean on.

Reach out to Lou at

Treasurer Kelley Emerson

Kelley began walking a pagan path in 1997, having found no mainstream religion that suited her. She styles herself as an eclectic omnist, exploring many paths to find the truth she believes each one holds.   This led her to attend her first Convocation in 2000. After practicing as a solitary for nearly twenty years, Kelley relocated to the Ann Arbor area and became more involved in the local pagan community in 2013. She has attended and volunteered at a host of local pagan events, including every convocation held since 2017.

Aside from being a natural kitchen witch, Kelley is also a born animal whisperer. As a child, her affinity for and connection to animals and the natural world earned her the nickname Ellie May after the popular T.V. character. Kelley went on to earn a bachelor's degree in the environment with a specialization in wildlife conservation from the University of Michigan. Today Kelley works in science education at UM and enjoys exploring the connections between science and magic.

Kelly can be reached at

AQuil Dennison - Secretary

Growing up with an instinctive desire to pierce the veil, AQuil has continuously explored the connectedness between humankind and the spiritual realm throughout his life. Following the stronger elements of Metaphysic Philosophy, Hermeticism, American Paganism, and Witchcraft has formed his learning and teaching path throughout his years.

His strong point with the board lies in strengthening public visibility through effective marketing, and growth through networking and community relationships from years of experience in this field. With his organizational, strategic, and solution-based talents, AQuil is passionate and committed to be of help and service to MEC.

AQuil can be reached at

Helen Griffus

Helen Griffus, often known by her magickal name, Helen Heartsmith, has been a ConVocation attendee and teacher for 20 years. She is a Co-founder and Elder of the Mystics of Rhea Lur coven and a High Priestess in the Temple of Witchcraft. As a HP, building community is important to her, whether that be teaching, coordinating a monthly pagan meet up, or posting videos on her YouTube channel.

Enafae can be contacted at

Lindsay Moss

Has been involved with the local pagan community and ConVocation since 2000. Lindsay joined the ConVo-cation staff in 2005 after several years of volunteering, and joined the MEC Board of Directors in 2011. Her goal with MEC and ConVocation is to continue to foster the community ties brought together by and made at all of the MEC events, as well as to continue opening up learning opportunities that are created by MEC. 

Lindsay is available at

Jack Mercer

Jack Mercer has been a student and practitioner of many shades and flavors of magic, working with many corporeal and noncorporeal teachers, consorting with a plethora of unseen entities for as long as he can recall. Jack is completely blind, and is rarely seen without his partner in crime, Leader Dog Nico. Please ignore him when he is wearing his harness. Identifying as gender fluid, Jack’s preferred pronouns are he, she or they - also known as a greedy gender dragon.

When not actively engaged in divining or activities of the esoteric, he can be found volunteering for multiple organizations, fund raising, creating art of all sorts, social activism, community organizing, climbing down the side of ten story buildings and so on.

Feel free to reach out to Jack at

Meg Raphoon

Meg Raphoon was raised in a multicultural and multi-faith town on the north shore of Long Island, NY. She studied History and Anthropology in her undergraduate studies and is ABD for her PhD in History at the University of Michigan where she studied the history of Alchemy. She presents on her scholarly research on Alchemy and on Hermetic paths within many practices. She has been a resident of Detroit, MI since 2010 and continues to love living in the city with her cat, Puck who adopted her on Friday 13th.

Feel free to reach Meg at

Barb Stenger

Barb Has been a part of the M.E.C. Pagan community for 17 years. A practicing witch and leader in the pagan community.  As an avid volunteer for many non profit organizations, a business owner and entrepreneur in Mid-Michigan, she brings her expertise to the M.E.C. Board, focusing on advertising, sponsorships, and community outreach.

For inquiries in these areas, reach out to Barb at